March Community Block Watch Meeting

Location: Heritage Heights Clubhouse, 3030 E Mission Lane


5:45 Complimentary sandwiches, water and snacks!

Sponsored by: Louisa Ward RE/MAX Excalibur, Your Neighborhood Expert

6:00 -7:15 pm Guest Speakers

Guest Speakers:

Councilwoman Debra Stark – Updates on Sheaborhood

Scott Lawrence, Principle Shea Middle School – Improving education

Officer Titus, City Of Phoenix Police Dept – Community safety


What is happening in the Sheaborhood?

What is happening with PV Mall?

Traffic complaints in the community?

How do we reduce auto accidents at 32nd St and Shea area?

Community crime, is it getting better or worse?  

Why is our community school rated so poorly?

Does low school ratings affect our property values?

This is your chance to get all of your questions answered by experts!
