It is with regret that we announce the cancellation of our Community Party scheduled for November 12th due to a lack of volunteers. We deeply appreciate and want to express our heartfelt thanks to those who did reach out and volunteer. Your willingness to contribute to our community events is truly valued.
Organizing our Community Party is a significant undertaking that requires a considerable amount of planning and coordination. Typically, we need at least 10 people to assist in arranging and organizing various aspects of the event. On the day of the party, we rely on approximately 20 volunteers to ensure its smooth operation.
Over the years, our Community Party has served as a wonderful opportunity for neighbors to come together, enjoy delicious food, participate in family-friendly games, face painting, bounce house activities, and learn about updates in our community from the police department and the Councilwoman. It also provides a platform for us to connect with local businesses that support our community.
One of the remarkable outcomes of our Community Party is the positive impact it has had on Mercury Mine Basin Park. Due to the attention garnered by our event, the park has received additional resources, including more trees, a new playground shade cover, swings, and general maintenance of plantings and grass.
Moreover, our Community Party has gained recognition throughout Phoenix as the “Best and most highly attended G.A.I.N event in the City.” Your local Block Watch and Neighborhood leaders actively apply for grants to host this event, and our collective efforts have resulted in receiving significant funding, reflecting our community’s outstanding engagement and commitment.
While it is disheartening to cancel the party this year, we remain hopeful for future events. We encourage anyone interested in volunteering for upcoming community activities to reach out. Your involvement is crucial to the success of our neighborhood initiatives, and together, we can continue to create vibrant and supportive community events. Once again, thank you to everyone who volunteered and expressed interest. Your support is invaluable, and we look forward to working together for our community’s betterment in the future.