News/ Events

What’s going on in the community?

Wondering about the latest updates in the 32nd Street Revitalization project?

Check here for updates.


City of Phoenix Rental Rehab Program Launch

NSD is excited to announce the official launch of its Rental Rehabilitation program! If you own rental property in one of our targeted areas, this program can fund the following kinds of repairs:

  • Exterior facade improvements
  • Landscaping
  • Safety enhancements
  • Repairs to structural systems
  • Energy efficiency upgrades

Click here for a flyer which describes the Program features and targeted areas across the city of Phoenix. Program information is also available on our Rental Rehabilitation Program webpage. We appreciate your ongoing support and sharing of this exciting Program information.

Joybus Diner

Originally posted on Nextdoor June 8th, 2021

I saw this article on AZ Family today and thought I would share in case anyone wanted to help one of our local businesses. I admire the work they do for many in our community and it sounds like they need support. Looking forward to when they reopen in August! Phoenix chef struggles to reopen diner serving meals to cancer patients :
Click to View/Reply on Nextdoor

Maricopa County COVID-19 Community Impact Survey

I am sharing this message from Maricopa County Department of Public Health with you, regarding a COVID Community Impact Survey:

Maricopa County Department of Public Health (MCDPH) is seeking to understand how the pandemic has impacted residents and how to support the community in a post-COVID environment. As a valued partner in this effort, we would appreciate your help in this important endeavor.

We have launched the COVID-19 Community Impact Survey []. The Survey will help guide future community health improvement planning and funding efforts over the next two years to assist in the recovery of COVID-19. Grants will be awarded throughout Maricopa County to local governments and community-based organizations to support our communities and address priority areas. 

MCDPH’s goal is every person 12 years and older will take and share this survey. We hope you can share it with residents in your community and among your community networks, including among your elected officials, staff, and community partners. MCDPH has identified a base goal of 250 residents per city/town to fully complete the survey. With a 250 survey completion rate and higher in each municipality, MCDPH can create a strong community profile.

In return, we are committed to sharing the information learned with you for mutual benefit and collective action. You can help by:

  • Taking the Maricopa County COVID-19 Community Impact Survey. Click here [] to take the survey, which is available in more than 12 languages!
  • Sharing the survey. Please feel free to use this email and messaging to share the survey with your employees and networks.
  • You can download social media graphics and printables using our Communication Toolkit [].
  • The survey is open to anyone age 12 years and up in Maricopa County—staff, friends, family, community members, professional networks.
  • The broader the survey is spread, the more representative the data will be. The survey will be open through June 30, 2021.

You can find all of this information and learn more about our community health improvement planning efforts at [] and see our data dashboard, which also has previous community health needs assessment survey information you may find useful. Please feel free to reach out to with any questions.

Draft Climate Action Plan Now Available for Public Comments

The Phoenix Draft Climate Action Plan is now posted on the Office of Environmental Program’s website. There is also a link to a survey to share your ideas and priorities for reducing the impacts of climate change in your community. The Draft will be available for public comment through July 16, 2021. View the Draft Climate Action Plan

Those recommendations can be submitted through the online survey or by emailing
Upcoming Virtual Workshops
Join the city of Phoenix and provide your input on addressing climate change. Share your concerns, needs, and ideas to co-create solutions. Your collaboration is needed to help the city determine priorities, needs, and opportunities to address climate change.​All members of the public are welcome to attend and participate in any of the workshops. View workshop details and register online.

June 26, 2021
10:00 to 11:30 a.m.
The Air We Breathe: Climate Equity in Phoenix
cohosted with Vice Mayor Carlos Garcia, ​Councilmem​​ber Yassamin Ansari​​, Chispa Arizona, ​and the American Lung Association​

June 26, 2021
3:00 to 4:30 p.m.
Youth Climate
cohosted with Youth Climate Strike and Sunrise Tempe

June 29, 2021 
5:00 to 6:30 p.m.
Your Community and Climate​​​​​​

Street Toppers: Art ideas needed for Mountain Preserve sign toppers!

Congratulations to Mountain Estates Block Watch and Paradise Gardens Block Watch on their new sign toppers. Mountain Preserve Block Watch has been approved for a grant from the City of Phoenix to acquire street toppers as well.

Thank you to all of neighbors that sent in their ideas in words.  What I am really looking for is more specific ideas including a drawing or clip art of your idea.  When providing the art, please also give your thoughts on the color of the sign.  I received an overwhelming vote to make the sign a color in lieu of white so it stands out and is differentiated from the actual street signs.

These two pieces were done by an artist in our neighborhood, Marsha Lazar:

Click to Read Article about Marsha LAZAR Klinger

Here are some samples of clip art I found online…  Imagine you are driving along 32nd Street, how far away do you have to be before you realize what the art is on the sign. 

Once we have gathered some solid ideas, then we can send them for a vote.