32 View Apartments meetings

Please join the community conversation about the proposed 32 View apartments.

The next community Meeting will be Monday March 16th at 6:00 pm at Shadow Mountain High School-media Center.

Discussions will include an overview of the application, Site Plan and Building elevations, updates and revisions since the first meeting that took place February 3rd, and answers to questions.

Here is a picture of the proposed landscape and elevation.



The site of the 4.06 gross acres is located at approximately 600′ north of the Northeast corner of 32nd Street and Shea Blvd.

The purpose and intent of the planned unit development, View 32 is to enable the redevelopment of this challenging long rectangular shaped- underutilized infill site within the North 32nd Street corridor, View 32 is planned as a high quality, gated multi-family development of 147 residential units.  There is an existing retail/office building that will be demolished.

The City of Phoenix Village Planner assigned to the case is Racelle Escolar. If you have any questions she can be reached at 602-262-6949 or racelle.escolar@phoenix.gov.

Come have your voice heard at the meeting on Monday.