The three story, 27 unit, and 2700 square foot proposal for the 31st and Cheryl project recently had a meeting to cover a few key points. One essential factor to note is the developers drawings do not provide a true representation of what the end results will be. Also, it was noted that the developer will most likely not be the builder of the project.
The project will require rezoning, most likely after the rezoning has been approved the project will be sold to another company to build according to the approved specifications. In case the builder wants to make any changes after the approval has taken place the changes will have to be submitted to the City and go through the approval process once again.
The meeting held by The Rose Law Group PC format was a bit difficult to follow since the questions were not asked out loud allowing all questions and answers to be heard. The structure of the meeting was composed of multiple different stations where individuals could walk up to representatives and ask their questions directly.
For more information The Village Planner is Racelle Escolar who can be reached at (602) 262-6949 or emailed at