The meeting at Shea Middle school was packed last night. The meeting included city representatives from the following departments: Planning, Arts and culture, Neighborhood services, Parks, Streets, District 3 Office and District 2 Office.
The meeting was attended and facilitated by District 3 Councilman Gates and District Two, Vice Mayor Jim Waring.
Goals: gather input, share specific ideas, identify tasks, develop subcommittees.
Summary of Statements: Due to the bypass of traffic created by the SR51, businesses are not as supported as they once were. This lack of traffic has impacted local businesses and neighborhoods, the purpose of these meetings is to envision a new future for North 32nd Street. Community involvement at these meetings shows the council that the residents of our neighborhood want to invest in our community and support businesses in this area. We hope to start a business association within the corridor. Filling vacancies is our short term goal, a goal that has been helped with Alice Cooper’s the Rock, Jambo, the Original Breakfast Joint, At Home, and many others. The meeting was intended to focus on the long term goals helped to be developed by ASU and the Urban Land Institute. These groups have had in the data and development of our designs. Utilizing this input we have broken the corridor down into three different phases.
Phase One is from the SR51 to Sweetwater, Phase Two is from Sweetwater to Paradise, Phase Three is Paradise, North. They hope to have sub-committees brought forward with community participation. There will be a follow up meeting on October 22 where input from this planning meeting will be brought forward to develop a final plan to be voted upon by the city.
Street Improvements: A road diet will be imposed to take out a Northbound lane and restripe from Shea to past Bell Rd to two lanes each direction and include a bicycle lane. A treatment will be applied from Shea to Greenway for a new rubberized surface, new road striping will take place up North 32nd Street for bicycle lane connectivity. The new pavement work will take place in the spring during March/April 2015. Signage will be installed from Shea to Bell Rd and will include the 32nd street logo, November will mark the start of this work.
Feedback can be sent directly to the District 3 office at 602-262-7441 or
Below are some photos from the event.